Team Ginola out of FIFA Presidential running

Former Tottenham Hotspur winger David Ginola is out of the running to replace Sepp Blatter as FIFA President after cancelling funding for his bid.

The former French international was heavily backed by footballers, both past and present, on social media sites after he released his plans to run for presidency and replace Sepp Blatter, declaring at the time that ‘the FIFA system was not working’.

Ginola received £2.3m from a crowdfunding page to help back his bid, but a statement released on Thursday states that he will no longer be continuing the bid.

“A huge thank you for supporting Team Ginola.

“The crowdfunding page is now closed. All donations will be returned to those that have pledged.

“The fight is not over. Football still needs to change. I urge you to continue to vocalise your craving for change in football in whatever way you can.

“Let it be known that no matter how small you think your voice may be alone, if we speak together we will be heard.

“Whilst Fifa may not be an open democracy for the footballing public, our opinions will be heeded, only if we persist.”
